Home Cleaning Services

Everyone deserves to come home to a clean house. Taskers can provide home cleaning services that make your home shine.

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Housekeeping Services

Have you ever noticed the difference in how you feel when your house is clean and when it isn’t? The fact is, your environment can have a big impact on your mood, energy, clarity, and productivity. Keeping a clean home often helps you keep a clear mind, but don’t feel like you have to take on every chore yourself! Taskers can provide excellent home cleaning services at great prices.

From scrubbing your floors to disinfecting your counters, or even just changing your bed sheets –– Taskers can do it all. Taskers can even deep clean your home or clean up after a move! Many Taskers are experienced cleaners who can provide amazing cleaning services in a flash.

If you have cleaning supplies you’d like your Tasker to use, great! If not, Taskers can bring their own cleaning supplies. If you have any needs or preferences as to what sorts of cleaning products are used to clean your house, just let your Taskers know. 

Schedule local house keeping services on a schedule that works for you. One-time, monthly, weekly, whatever you need, a Tasker can help. 

Don't waste your weekend cleaning dust out of the corners! Hire a Tasker instead and get back to doing what matters most to you.

How it works
Describe Your Task
Tell us what you need done, when and where it works for you.
Choose Your Tasker
Browse trusted Taskers by skills, reviews, and price. Chat with them to confirm details.
Get It Done!
Your Tasker arrives and gets the job done. Pay securely and leave a review, all through TaskRabbit.
Ready to hire a Tasker?

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be home while cleaners come to my house? 

How do I prepare my house for cleaning?

What is included in a basic house cleaning?

Do cleaning services do laundry or dishes?

How much do cleaning services cost?

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